Field Trips

Field Trips

Country Critters Farm offers fun-filled, educational field trips for schools of all sizes. Many children have never been to a farm, touched farm animals, or seen a tractor—and they can do all that and more at County Critters.

Field trips are $9 per person. 1 Teacher is free for every 10 students. Additional chaperones, parents and siblings are $9.

Basic year round field trips include:

  • Educational activity: animal education class or gardening information

  • Hayride

  • Tractor and Train Playground

  • Cow Milking experience (wooden cow)

  • Bounce Pillow

  • Petting Zoo

  • Wooden Maze

  • Train Ride

  • Duck Races

  • Game Stations

Teacher Information:

During a field trip to our farm, teachers must keep their class together and rotate from station to station. We do not allow classes to split into smaller groups, or for kids to split off with their parents. This keeps things running very smoothly and keeps stations from being overcrowded. This also helps ensure that everyone gets to participate in all the activities that we offer. Students usually bring a sack lunch, but we do offer concessions as well. We have plenty of picnic tables to eat lunch at.

We offer arrival times of 9:30, 10, or 10:30 am. We close at 1:30 pm.

All attendees must download and sign this waiver before visiting Country Critters Farm (one per family).

How is a field trip to Country Critters educational?

Kids get hands on experience with real farm animals. They can feel the wool of a sheep. Kids can learn where milk comes from and can milk a wooden cow.

Kids will get to learn why farm animals are important to us or why farming is important during a quick lesson in the Spring.

Problem solving is used while figuring out how to find their way out of our wooden maze.

Kids will see examples of manual propulsion while doing the duck races.

Learning can be done all around the farm!

Seasonal Themes

Pumpkin Patch (Fall)

This field trip includes everything included in the Fun on the Farm field trip, plus a trip to a pumpkin patch. Paying kids can pick a pie sized pumpkin and decorate it with markers.

This is our most popular field trip, so please call early to book if you wish to book on a weekday!


  • Yes, please make sure every student brings a sack lunch to eat at the farm. Concessions are available for teachers and students who need an extra snack.

  • Yes! Country Critters farm has plenty of picnic tables for students, teachers, and chaperones to sit and enjoy a sack lunch or a snack from the concession stand.

  • Field trips will be canceled in the event of major storms, rain, or flooding. Country Critters Farm will attempt to rescheduled any trips canceled due to weather if possible.